The Joy of Spring's Coming | Teen Ink

The Joy of Spring's Coming

February 13, 2009
By MikkiJeanne SILVER, Loganville, Georgia
MikkiJeanne SILVER, Loganville, Georgia
8 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live life as though you would die tomorrow
Learn as though you would live forever..."

from the flowers
to the mountians
they all call my name
to tell me that Spring's around the corner

the flowers bloom
the mountians rise
the grass is greener than the day before

from the physical features of the land
"Spring is coming!"
they speak to my ear
and that is what i see
their apperance and mine
shall change with each season

beauty betrays the Winter's night,
coming closer to Spring
ceasing the cold for another 365 days
and then
Spring will come again

The author's comments:
This poem started as a homework project for my 7th Language Arts teacher, Ms.Carlton, but she told the class about this website. It inspired me to check it out and submit my work, so I did. I hope to be writing more poetry, for she has greatly inspired me!

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