A Secret Worth the Wait | Teen Ink

A Secret Worth the Wait

February 14, 2009
By KristinPatricia BRONZE, Bremerton, Washington
KristinPatricia BRONZE, Bremerton, Washington
4 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A good book should leave you slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it.&quot; <br /> -William Styron

How to tell you?
How to say,
"I want you to be mine today."

It's a secret held so deep inside,
Also one I cannot hide.

You fill my thoughts
Consume each dream
And still so far away you seem.

It's a secret held so deep inside
And still it's one I cannot hide.

A handful of words
Could change it all
Your apt reply could catch my fall.

It's a secret held so deep inside
Now, to you, I do confide.

Let's take a chance
You, me and Fate
I promise you, I'm worth the wait.

It's a secret held so deep inside
And now, again, I do confide.

You want it all
But don't you see?
The one who wants to give it

Is me.

The author's comments:
This is a prime example of the type of writing I generally do. It is free-formed and very cliche', I know this. The thing is, when you're writing to a crush..everything comes out cute and oh so very typical. I hope you enjoy it. Comments are appreciated!

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