understanding boys | Teen Ink

understanding boys

May 4, 2016
By olivianewcomb GOLD, Ofallon, Missouri
olivianewcomb GOLD, Ofallon, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What are boys?
Do they even care?
Are they aliens?
Are they even real?

Do they know how much they anger us?
Do they know how much we care?
Are they worth the tears?
Are they worth the frustration?

Are we that hard to understand?
Why must you confuse me?
Why do you not tell us how you feel?
How can you not show your true feelings?

Are we fun to play with?
What has to happen to make it right?
Where did you learn these ways?
Can you not tell the truth when it means the most?

I try to have a normal conversation
All i get is one word answers
When i tell you how i feel
You yell and scream
Telling me to

So tell me,
The things i need to know
So i don't go sleepless
Without closure
Tell me i need to know

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