Husband and Mistress | Teen Ink

Husband and Mistress

May 27, 2016
By 6carroll GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6carroll GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I can’t keep seeing you anymore.” said the unfaithful husband.
“She won't ever find out.”
“No!” He exclaimed, “it’s not fair to her and not fair to my family. We are done.”

“But baby...”
“We are finished.” Affirming his decision.
“Ok... But could we for one last time, one more night... I love you,” desperately uttered by the broken down woman.

“I'm sorry, but...”
“Baby please! For me,” she hopelessly replied.
“One more than we are done, ok?” he replied.
“Ohh yes baby,” she giggled.

(The evening passed)

“Good morning baby,” she whispered.
“Good morning my love,” he said.
“See you next week baby,” she suggested.
“See you then.”

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