Sweet Night | Teen Ink

Sweet Night

March 12, 2009
By Stephanie Caranica BRONZE, Thousand Oaks, California
Stephanie Caranica BRONZE, Thousand Oaks, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When peace finally shadowed the universe,
And milky dusk filled the sky,
Childlike breeze whispered secrets into the ears of starlets,
Causing them to giggle with delight
Commotion among nature ceased to exist for
It was Darkness and Stillness who hugged the earth when this sweet
night ruled the land
Unlike day, night had allies
Great friends he made with dreams and slumber
Slumber hunted carefree souls
And filled vigilant eyes with drunkenness
Delicious dreams oozed like honey
Into the silver moon's ears
And helped him to forget yesterday's troubles
Beloved night seemed eternal only
Until the sun showed again its woeful face
And chased away moonlight's kisses

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