Over Time | Teen Ink

Over Time

March 14, 2009
By stephanie_miranda PLATINUM, Reston, Virginia
stephanie_miranda PLATINUM, Reston, Virginia
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Over time things change

You go your way and I'll go mine

Over time the pain grows in side me and I miss you

I wish I could see your face again

But only time will tell and I don't know if I can wait

You were my best friend and the one I always looked to

You were the one that put me in my place

And know over time your face becomes a memory

Our time together was magical and we were so close

But the things your saying only makes me want to run away

Only time will tell us if our friendship was meant to be

You were like a sister and know you're like a shadow

You were the best friend that any one could ever ask for

And know you're my worst enemy

It only tells me that as fast as a friendship can be made it can be taken away just as fast

Over time things will only get worse if you don't change

Over time

Were you ever my friend or just a person that was there?

Did you ever care?

Do you want to be my friend?

Over time you should think about our pass and over time you should come to realization

that I was your best friend and probably the realest friend you ever had.

Would you ever consider that what we shared was real or are you so changed that you

Are ashamed that you ever knew me?

I think of you as a person I don't know any more a person that has changed so much

that you are unrecognizable.

Over time things have changed but over time I always missed your presence.

Over time my feelings have changed but over time I will never doubt that we were never meant to be.

Are you proud of what I have become?

I am not proud of what you have become.

I have changed for the better and you have changed for the worse.

I don't ever want to know you again

And I will never want to be your friend

No matter how much I miss us

No matter how much loved you as a sister

I will never want to feel your presence around me again.

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