Ode To The Silver Winged Angle | Teen Ink

Ode To The Silver Winged Angle

February 13, 2018
By Jar_of_Jelly BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Jar_of_Jelly BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
just gotta do what you do but do what you like

You are with me everyday
You are in your silver container
With a chain that holds you around my neck
When you dangle around my neck
I see the one silver wing finding the other
And flying threw the sky like a dove
I miss the days when you held my hand
The times you stade strong
You are my inspiration
The string to my guitar

These days get harder and harder
I wish I could say something to someone
But would anyone listen
Like how you did
I wish I could say goodbyes in person
I the day you were laid in peace
Was the day the tears came out like a rainstorm
But when the sad times come I half to be the man you built me up to be
I half to be strong like a diamond
I bet you are flying threw the sky with your silver wings
And watching over me as my guardian angel


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