Poems written by teens | Teen Ink


Most discussed Poetry

By SecretFlame PLATINUM
Portland, Oregon

My body is a squiggle, I have 46 eyes, I talk when I giggle, And my hands look like pies. My feet are on backward, I have six noodle like arms, I twist and bend like rubber...
SecretFlame PLATINUM, Portland, Oregon
20 articles 1 photo 373 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I have a life. I just choose to ignore it.&quot;<br /> -one of my friends

By afflatus SILVER
Bhopal, Other
afflatus SILVER, Bhopal, Other
5 articles 0 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be honest. It&#039;s one of the few things in life you can control.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but it doesn&#039;t happen like this,.....

By mturner BRONZE
Hamilton, Virginia
mturner BRONZE, Hamilton, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is no money in poetry, but then there is no poetry in money.<br /> -Robert Graves

By sherberteater GOLD
Fruita, Colorado
sherberteater GOLD, Fruita, Colorado
13 articles 13 photos 199 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Friends are God&#039;s way of apologizing to us for our families.&quot;<br /> <br /> Thank God for friends like you!

IAmWhoIWantToBe PLATINUM, Manila, Other
41 articles 0 photos 650 comments

Favorite Quote:
&lrm;&quot;I&rsquo;m learning how to drown out the constant noise that is such an inseparable part of my life. I don&rsquo;t have to prove anything to anyone. I only have to follow my heart and concentrate on what I want to say to the world: I run my world.&quot; - Beyonc&eacute;

Christian.A.Piper-777 PLATINUM, Decatur, Michigan
28 articles 0 photos 57 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;What you make of today comes with you for the rest of your life&quot;

By pill.happy.adventure PLATINUM
Manchester, New Hampshire
pill.happy.adventure PLATINUM, Manchester, New Hampshire
21 articles 3 photos 41 comments
littlelilith SILVER, Dallas, Texas
5 articles 1 photo 39 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Your perspective may very well be the determining factor in whether you pass the test.&quot;

By NathanBHooker GOLD
Wentzville, Missouri
NathanBHooker GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
14 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Those that care don&#039;t matter; and, those that matter don&#039;t care.&quot;

By dia.dreamer GOLD
Kochi, Other
dia.dreamer GOLD, Kochi, Other
10 articles 0 photos 145 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I saw an angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.&quot; - Michelangelo<br /> &quot;I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart: I am, I am, I am.&quot; - Sylvia Plath