Who I No Longer Love | Teen Ink

Who I No Longer Love

July 8, 2018
By Angeline_Ray SILVER, Buchanan, Tennessee
Angeline_Ray SILVER, Buchanan, Tennessee
5 articles 4 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, today is a gift. That is why they call it the present.

To find the end,

To find the love

To find the thing

We are made of.

To find the blade

To find the heart

To find the thing

That tears us apart.

Only silence

Buys you time,

Only power

Buys your mind.

He has changed

from what I know.                                                                                           

“Do you love me?”                                                                                                  

I say, “No”

The author's comments:

Oh, the love between two people can be the most amazing things in the world. The one-sided heartbreak can crash and burn, leaving you with having to build yourself back up. When the one-sidedness ends and there is no more love, you can be strong again. 

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