Peachy Keen | Teen Ink

Peachy Keen

April 20, 2021
By Anonymous

I loved a girl, once

It was only for a couple of months.

We held hands, always had a linked arm

We’d always keep each other out of harm.

She was soft and sweet

And quite the treat.

Like a soft, gentle peach

Laying silently on a beach.

I drank in her sugary scent

Each moment was well always well spent.

I held her hand, it would always be so pleasantly warm

And her voice never held any scorn.

However there comes a day

When even the sweetest peach will rot away.

She was my life, my light

I can’t believe it just ended that night.

She was always so keen

Why do people have to be so mean?

I loved her with all my heart

I can’t believe we have to be apart.

You had your whole life ahead of you

I don’t know what I’m going to do.

She was my light in the dark

She truly left a mark.

I will stay strong

This won’t be my last song.

The author's comments:

I am very, very unfamliar with writing poetry. This isn't really about anything or anyone in particular, I got the idea from drinking peach tea, and decided that I would attempt to write poetry that involved peaches. And so here we are.

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