Waves | Teen Ink


January 17, 2022
By Poetrycow24 BRONZE, Alexandria, Indiana
Poetrycow24 BRONZE, Alexandria, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is what it is

Miss girl what?

I stand at the shore and watch as the clouds roll in 

Getting darker as the waves crash against my eyes 

They burn with the taste of salt on my tongue

I feel free at this moment just for a second

I’m scared

Scared of what’s behind those waves 

Scared of what happens after

Then just as quickly as it started

It stops 

It all stops 

The waves are gone

I can still feel salt burned into my skin 

My skin 

Oh my skin it’s all tight 


I scratch my thighs to stop the itching feeling 

Drip, Drip, drip 

A stinging warm feeling runs down the curves of my calves and then to my ankles 

It stains the sand under my weight 

I dare not look at them 

For I know I will not like the sight of what I’ve done 

I toss my head back 

Breathe tight in my chest 

I look at the sun 

Oh the sun is shining so bright 

That’s all what matters in this moment 

Is the sun 

I stretch towards to sky for now it has gotten harder to breath 

My eyes 

They weep in sorrow

The sun is too bright

They burn

Why must the sun be so beautiful but cause so much pain


I’m so tired

I close my eyes and soak in the warm deadly rays

I can hear a distant weeping of a women 

I feel no pain

No itchy feeling 

My eyes don’t hurt anymore


now I can sleep

I rest my head on the clouds

So soft 

Am I floating


I’m dreaming

Dreaming for one last time

Forever wrapped in the warmth of the waves

The waves that started all of this

The author's comments:

This piece is something I have a hard time dealing with. It's a constant thought in my head, But I do not let the thought of this action consume me. 

( May trigger certain readers )


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