Elegy of a Silent Farewell | Teen Ink

Elegy of a Silent Farewell

January 23, 2024
By Jonkawonka GOLD, Tirana, Other
Jonkawonka GOLD, Tirana, Other
11 articles 1 photo 0 comments

In the olden days of 1800s lore, 
Where the car has not yet been invented, 
The story lies in a rich mans mansion, 
An adopted kid had just been presented. 
The man already had a child, 
A very smart and kind one, 
The other kid was quite the opposite, 
But he was not reviled. 
The kid had a much vile plan, 
To kill the boys father 
But another person knew the child's plan 
That child was the adopted one’s brother 
When the clock struck 2 on a winter night, 
The vile boy snuck to his fathers bed, 
A child which he raised and trusted, 
Was the sole reason the fathers was dead 
The vile boy’s brother was devastated by the news, 
He mourned his father’s death,  
The boy wanted to avenge his old man, 
Hed kill his brother with deft 
3 days later the battle began, 
The boys fought ruthless like beasts 
But eventually the good brother stopped, 
Because the violent fight finally ceased. 
The evil one lay on the floor, 
The good one with blood in his hands. 
A family which he loved and cared for, 
Now he is the only man that stands. 

The author's comments:

In the 1880s, a wealthy family adopts the son of a murderer. The murderer had given his child to the wealthy family in an attempt to inherit the father’s money. The family had another biological child, and both grew up together. At the age of 18, the evil child saw the perfect chance to ask his father to inherit the money. Upon the father’s acceptance, he was secretly murdered by the evil child. The biological child found out about this and promised that he would kill his brother. After a ruthless fight, the biological child came out barely victorious.  

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 25 2024 at 9:20 am
AsterMichealCarey SILVER, Madawaska, Maine
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Who cares if one more light goes out? Well I do." - Linkin Park, 'One More Light'

Absolutely beautiful storytelling! A very strong ending- impactful and enjoyable. Keep writing, I would love to see what you can create in the future!