Rhyming Dilemma | Teen Ink

Rhyming Dilemma

March 19, 2012
By QueenOfMars GOLD, Mumbai, Texas
QueenOfMars GOLD, Mumbai, Texas
13 articles 0 photos 21 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep.
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep"

I went to school one clear morning
And sat down for spelling class
The teacher declared, “NO fights or horning”
For an hour we studied ‘The wolf and the Lass’

But the teacher didn’t end there
After all, what’s a day without home assignment?
She said,” You have to do your little share
Or else you’ll have to repent”

She said she wanted us to toil and grapple
Finding rhymes for the word ‘orange’
Why not cherry, banana, pear or apple?
Of all the fruits, why orange?

I loved my spelling’s teacher the most
So I panned to do her assignment first
But finding rhymes will make my brain toast
And my home work will die of thirst!

So I moved out and went to my granny
And say her making some foreign dish
I sat on the platform on my knee
And told granny my sad wish

“Oh, don’t worry, dear!
You’ll find your answer really near
So relax and think with a cool mind
And soon your answer you’ll find”

I thanked granny and left her place
After I gave her a sweet embrace
So I embarked on my new adventure
On my cycle which suffered a terrible puncture

I talked to Lily, Tess ad Norman
But none of them had a clue
I even tried the busy mailmen
But they said they never knew

But I didn’t lose heart and kept on
Talking to all the mothers in the park
I stood there even after everyone was gone
As there was still time for it to turn dark
I sat thinking as I saw a little pup
My mind was racing with mad rhymes
My mum came running and picked me up
“Come home, dear…Its already time”

So I went to bed and thought some more
“If I think more, my brain will go sore!”
The night passed with peace
And I woke up with little ease

I entered the spelling class ashamed
And my teacher entered with angelic grace
Everyone screamed, “ORANGE HAS NO RHYMES!!”
And I hid my surprised face

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem to relive my childhood!

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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 30 2012 at 7:23 am
Really cute! I love this!

on May. 7 2012 at 11:34 pm

Now, isn't that a really cute poem!! This makes me relive my foolish times in middle school!

I love this! Thumbs up!