Via The Staircase | Teen Ink

Via The Staircase

November 30, 2012
By mootpoint BRONZE, Warwick, New York
mootpoint BRONZE, Warwick, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"person A- Love is hard to define.
person B- No it's not. It's when you love somebody so much that no matter how screwed up they are, you'd rather be with them, all screwed up, than not be with them at all."

The alarm goes off the run, to fly,
Lifeboats inflate in her heart
His hat is turned so downwards,
His grey eyes, so far apart.

The legs of the table crumble
From the sudden weight of her guilt,
A fire stoked inside her,
And a frozen temple built.

He looks on in confusion,
And she, in great despair,
Outside she stands laughing,
But there's danger in the air.

The well grows ever deeper,
The water, grey as his eyes,
As she sinks, she sees the bubbles
Float towards the watery skies

In the darkness of the bottom,
Light shines like a tiny sun,
The brightness of his smile
As she slowly comes undone.

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