light savor | Teen Ink

light savor

July 1, 2014
By noora.f SILVER, Alkhobar, Other
noora.f SILVER, Alkhobar, Other
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"a drawing is a dot that decided to go for a walk"- Paul Klee

When you’re in the dark
Your heart beats relentlessly
Cheating the eyes helplessly
Causing your mind to lose control suddenly

With no hesitation you try to reach
Craving for the many sunsets you watched at the beach
Yet there is nothing
Nothing to grasp
Nothing to clench
No familiar touch apron your stretch

With that you stumble into the ground
Looking for what is already found
That there is no comforting sound

But as you look up gazing the stars
You will start to ponder on how this darkness
This shade of black
This empty color

Is the reason you can see the stars
For they shine upon us all to remind those in the dark
That the dark is no enemy but the friend who prepares you for the light

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