My Last Mistake | Teen Ink

My Last Mistake

January 16, 2016
By tanAAYUSH BRONZE, Indore, Other
tanAAYUSH BRONZE, Indore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Helpless, hapless and without power,
I stand atop a high tower,
To take the final leap,
That puts me to eternal sleep.

I see the world below me,
With tormentors, narcissists and criminals free,
They all seem like indifferent cattle,
And the galore, their endless prattle.

My heart gets its one last thump,
I, with my whole life, jump.
Life flashes before me as they say,
With fragments of my happiness in the day.

I remember my parents forcing me to stay strong,
I shall meet them after so long.
Then, I see m precious daughter,
Jubilant with all smiles and laughter.

I extend a meagre hand,
Bleakly wanted to hug her, but can’t.
I see the whiskey’ sodden idiot I’d been,
And she still, a loving father, in me had seen.

I now realize my cowardice,
Standing tall over all the other lies.
This was my biggest blunder,
To the truth I now surrender.

And as I fall from the tower high,
In the last second of my life, I don’t want to die.

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