The Map | Teen Ink

The Map

April 16, 2016
By evanom BRONZE, San Francisco, California
evanom BRONZE, San Francisco, California
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Finally I get to take a break
Oh for goodness sake
How ive been in deep need of time off from this place,
Happy thoughts and good vibes would replace
All of my stress
And maybe I’d become less of a mess.
Friends behind the wheel, with my window rolled down
While we cruise through this town,
Full of people with broken dreams and tears,
And unwilling to admit their fears.
Because that’s the issue here
We are scared to individually steer
Our own lives down the path we want to take
So instead we let others make
And shape our world for us,
Letting ourselves become irrelevant as dust.
We’ve been out for so long
We’ll just continue to play our favorite songs
So loud that it drowns out our thoughts
It’s like all the negativity that has been caught
Is being set free
This is the way it should be.
The cold breeze hitting my skin
Like a scene in,
All those cliche movies and shows,
But i completely know
This moment won’t last
But i ignore that and continue to blast
This meaningless rap.
Life is like an intricate map
With little detail to keep you second guessing
Which is just lessening
Your knowledge of what your life is gonna end up to be,
That’s why we just have to be patient, wait, and see.

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