Cocaine | Teen Ink


May 16, 2016
By dels.lemonade SILVER, Newbury Park, California
dels.lemonade SILVER, Newbury Park, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
All monsters are human.

One looks at View

not pretty,

but One loves

View and One touch faces

One takes in View's snow

cold, but comforting

One inhales freeze

One lives


View disappears,

but is replaced by one of her sisters

One takes in View around

One spreads his wings

feathers rustle

One flys up high


One lives


View is gone

Blade comes out

Blade and Skin are introduced

they get sad and cry together

and One is happy

One can feel

Skin cries

Blade dies

One lives


The light switch is turned on

One calls for View,

and View comes

One breathes

View ventures into caves

View's motion is swift

One vomits air

for last,

One lives


The light switch is turned off

it will not budge

View has given One too much

One overused View's soothing beauty

View can no longer explore One's caves

One is dead,

and View is sad

View mourns. 

The author's comments:

This Ballad is about a boy (One) who does cocaine. "View" is the sight of the cocaine. When the boy runs out of cocaine, he turns to cutting himself. Eventually, the boy dies. Don't do drugs.

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