The Crown | Teen Ink

The Crown

February 14, 2017
By AlexiaV04 BRONZE, Auburn, Alabama
AlexiaV04 BRONZE, Auburn, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." ~Marilyn Monroe

The darkness overthrew.
Slowly at first,
like a sting ray gliding gracefully through the salty blue.
Then the darkness only grew.
The crown fell deep, deep.

The darkness was filled with lies
Hearts lost,
like when a baby dies.
Thoughts, which away were tossed.
The crown fell deep, deep.

The darkness was evil.
A state of total turmoil,
Like when a fire breaks out and causes upheaval.
Or a swan covered in oil.
The crown fell deep, deep.

The darkness was mean.
Calling you out,
like the mean girls when you were a teen.
Until your good thoughts are in some kind of drought.
The crown fell deep, deep.

The darkness is only a phase.
The light will come,
Like the grey clouds that covers the sun’s beautiful rays.
Wait for the sound of the drum.
The crown fell deep, deep.

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amross said...
on May. 27 2017 at 3:09 pm
this is amazing. love your work.