Bliss | Teen Ink


April 9, 2017
By alhick BRONZE, Marlton, New Jersey
alhick BRONZE, Marlton, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People wake up to the sunshine in the morning
New born babies arrive everyday
Couples in love make their promises at the alter
Children get to go outside and play.
People live their lives as if this world is perfect,
As if it's all a bliss.
They think our world has no problems
Well then please someone, explain to me this.
How come when people are waking up to the sunshine,
There are people waking up on the streets?
How come when new born babies are arriving every day,
There are innocent people getting shot because of their beliefs?
How come the couples in love making their promises at the alter,
Are only allowed to be between a woman and a man?
How come we have children going outside to play,
But then have children getting bullied, other children watching it,
And being too afraid to take a stand.
People need to open their eyes,
Realize what's going on
Or else all their thoughts of this perfect bliss,
Won't last for long.

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