Ballads by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink


Top voted Ballads

#5281voted by our readers
By ElisaTheDuck ELITE
Rigaud, Other

Today I walked to the ocean's shore To watch and sit by the sea, And as I gazed dreamily upon it The waves I started to see. I noticed that they act like us, Like peopl...
ElisaTheDuck ELITE, Rigaud, Other
323 articles 5 photos 166 comments

Favorite Quote:

#5282 Poetry
By stillhuman SILVER
Lexington, North Carolina
stillhuman SILVER, Lexington, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stand for whats right even if your standing alone :)

#5283 Poetry
By cynthiaibrahim GOLD
Corona, California
cynthiaibrahim GOLD, Corona, California
14 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist." -Pablo Picasso

MysticWater GOLD, Sandy, Utah
17 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
i love how people say water has no taste... it tastes like water!

#5285 Poetry
By Leviathan123 GOLD
Rolling Meadows, Illinois
Leviathan123 GOLD, Rolling Meadows, Illinois
17 articles 2 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nobody can hurt me without my permission"- Mahatma Gandhi

#5286 Poetry
Pathway MAG
Salt Lake City, Utah
MikeyG PLATINUM, Salt Lake City, Utah
38 articles 17 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change-Carl Rogers

#5287 Poetry
#5288 Poetry
By Br33na GOLD
Dexter, Oregon
Br33na GOLD, Dexter, Oregon
13 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is beautiful, but sometimes we forget what Life is an mix it up* but life is Life, The most beautiful thing you can remember :) - Me <3

#5289 Poetry
By Sparrow GOLD
Englewood, Tennessee
Sparrow GOLD, Englewood, Tennessee
16 articles 5 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.<br /> - Leonardo da Vinci

#5290 Poetry
Dreamer125 GOLD, Call, Texas
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.&quot; -Edgar Allan Poe