Modern American Dream | Teen Ink

Modern American Dream

June 30, 2018
By Anonymous

A soft meowl,

A gentle plea,

Comes from the little baby,

Please, will somebody help me,

Thinks he.

Mother sighs as the baby cries,

Giving him a mouth full of lies

In a soothing voice that smoothers guilt with lullabies,

“It’s alright, little James.”

“Later, we’ll play you favorite games.”

He coos,

now she knows just what she needs to do.

She drops him off,

At a stranger’s house

With a blanket oh-so-soft.

No money to her name,

She seems to have nothing to gain

Either this, or a slow starvation.

She just prays he is found.


“James.”  She whimpers on the ground.

No food for three weeks has made her unbearably weak.

“Please forgive me, I love you.”

And, somewhere, out there, James whispers his first words,

“I love you too.”

And somewhere else,

A fat man lays upon his couch.

He stares at a screen

In a mansion fit for a queen,

As James’ mother is gone,

He worries about getting someone to cut his endless lawn,


With a little yawn-

He declares,

“This is the American Dream.”

The author's comments:

This piece shows the great differnce of life styles for the rich  and poor.  Sometimes it is impossible to achieve the American dream, as homeless people canot get a job as they have no good clothes for an interview and no address to put down on their job application. The majority of society discriminates against homeless people, this piece reveals what it's like to be in their shoes and the contrats between them and the well off Americans.  I hope it can inspire and raise awareness!

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