Presentations | Teen Ink


August 18, 2018
By Real_Unity PLATINUM, Raleigh, North Carolina
Real_Unity PLATINUM, Raleigh, North Carolina
32 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Life is like a written story, it does not last forever, but it can be told over and over again.

I hate giving presentations, I hate everything about them.

The time it takes just to come up with an idea, and

Then the frustration of actually writing what to say.

I'm not a very good spokesman, I'm not a very good communicator 

But the things that I share are something that most people take for granted.


My world is just a sketch of an unfinished picture,

The open spaces that are left blank because of

The countless stories that have gone untold.

The creases in the paper due to the pain that most experiences cause me,

Soft pencil shades of gray come to the thought that

I'm only a puzzle piece within my story.

Clouds that express my dreams because

That is the only place where my worries are no more.

Beneath the lines of the motionless paper lies 

The heart that is forever as empty 

Knowing that it has the ability to stop whenever

It chooses not to because...

Its purpose is suppose to serve those; Just as those of a beating heart


Your decisions determine your fate, just as your fate determines your decisions.

Certain people in my life already know

That I think about my future too much...

How I question the unexpected.

How can one not worry about their future if 

They're currently working towards it.

I ask myself "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

And I answer "Me, I just wanna be me."


Many role models in our lives tell us to find a career that you enjoy doing,

But in the end of the day

You go home realising that your job does not pay you enough to set food on the table 

or even a roof over your head.

I believed in a happy ending, but what if I stopped believing.


I reminisce on the good times that I had with people, 

Wondering why have they change into something that is not really them.

I see myself as the same person, while those are trying to prove something to 

themselves in an unreluctant way.

Do not forget about the ones you have once cared about because on the inside,


They have once cared about you.


My journey to success is something you can not study for,

But the experiences that you share with people in your life can help guide you to an


I consider myself as a person looking for unresolved answers.

So in return I write, and with each writing there is a purpose


But I hate giving presentations

I hate everything about them

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