Not A Person | Teen Ink

Not A Person

September 4, 2018
By T.M.R BRONZE, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
T.M.R BRONZE, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I know the grass is not a person

But they always seems to dance

I say that they have dreams

Of being able to  get up and prance

I know the wind is not a person

But it comes out to play

Messing with everything outside

Everyone that’s in his way

I know the flowers are not people

But they always ask for water

Sitting in the sun all day

Trying to get a bit hotter

I know there are people

Just like you and I

Someday life will end for all

I hope they never say goodbye

The author's comments:

Just A Simple Personification Poem

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