Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 21, 2018
By Rach2001 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Rach2001 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from sticky hot, summer days—

starting water balloon fights with Brennan and Danielle,

my older brother holding the slingshot while I stand guard.

From my brother's nicknames—

calling him ¨Peachu¨ since Matthew twisted my tongue,

him calling me ¨Ra Ra¨ since Rachel hurt the roof of his mouth.

I am from monthly pool parties—

learning how to swim with Katie,

our parents mixing margaritas in the kitchen.

From backyard volleyball and poker tournaments—

challenging our neighbors and family and friends,

anyone who knew about our ¨Open Door Policy.¨

I am from Tuesday/Friday movie nights—

forcing my mom to watch The Parent Trap,

her and I quoting the words to each other.

From dusty, 2004 CDs—

blasting Shania Twain on the car radio,

ten year old me growing up to ¨Man! I feel like a woman!¨

I am from seventh grade—

being shorter than “5'4”,

my supposed ¨growth spurt¨ forgetting about me.

From tangled, messy buns—

embracing them at church and school,

my dad telling me to ¨brush the bird's nest on my head.¨

I am from adventure—

travelling to states and countries,

my love for Español and “Jesus camp.”

From September—

sending Peachu off to college,

our hallways silent without him home.

I am from now—

writing college essays and AP’s

adults asking me where I want to go to school.

From uncertainty—

switching friend groups and jobs,

unsure of plans outside of Hartland.

I am from sticky hot, summer days—

starting water balloon fights with Brennan and Danielle,

my older brother holding the slingshot while I stand guard.

From my brother's nicknames—

calling him ¨Peachu¨ cause Matthew twisted my tongue,

him calling me ¨Ra Ra¨ cause Rachel hurt the roof of his mouth.

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