When I Think of You | Teen Ink

When I Think of You

October 24, 2018
By savrosepetals GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
savrosepetals GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I think of you, I feel the warmth of the sun, beating down softly onto my skin

When I think of you, I hear the soft purr of a cat napping on warm clothes

When I think of you, I float across clouds like a leaf drifting in the wind

When I think of you, my eyes grow wide as I feel the prickle of soft grass along my arms

When I think of you, love rings in my ears like church bells in the early morning

When I think of you, time stops — allowing me to dance across the world without eyes on me

When I think of you, yellows and greens dance across my walls and spill onto the floor

When I think of you, I feel water spilling over my feet as if I’m standing at the end of the ocean

When I think of you, everything changes — and I feel butterflies desperately trying to escape my stomach

When I think of you, I feel the warmth of the sun, beating down softly onto my skin

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