My Unsung Love | Teen Ink

My Unsung Love

October 29, 2018
By Anonymous

My unsung love…
She is someone who is
Caring, Humble, Amazing,
And beautiful inside.
She has the most melodical
Voice and her features-
Features, which rival those of a goddess-
She awes me most every second I see her.

She possesses A most wondrous
Complexion; deep eyes,
Mysterious, bright.
Her smile, a hidden gem.
Her personality, Irreplaceable.

She is my first real friend,
Who banishes my rain,
And whom the sun follows.
Her smile, at an unseen joke,
Her frown, of a trouble I wish
To wash away.
She washes away
My anger,
She fuels my heart, life, and soul.

My unsung love
Has given me gifts,
Of irreplaceable memories.
Memories I will remember beyond
The blackness Of Death's embrace.

An everlasting friendship
That could grow hopefully,
To a love that will last
Beyond infinity.

Because she
Is irreplaceable.
She is you.

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