Stand Over | Teen Ink

Stand Over

November 5, 2018
By TheAmericanPhilosopher BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
TheAmericanPhilosopher BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars." Og Mandio

To keep them safe

That is my mission.

My friends, the jewels, shining as bright as the sun.

My enemies the thieves.

I’m the dragon,

Protecting its treasure for as long as it lives.

My friends like family, and family like friends,

I’m the one who protects our pack.

Lashing out on those who prey

And condemning the foul to put sickness at bay.

I’m the watchmen in his tower

Keeping an eye on friend and foe every hour.


I care for my friends with all my heart

I provide shelter when there is none.

But even birds must leave their nests.

A desire to keep my friends happy and cheerful.

Turns into a civil war between the king and his people.

There is no victory

The winner is time

Which should've helped us forgive and forget.

My friends & I, how quickly we will depart

My oath to protect, will soon age and crumble.

My enemies will march to me.

I’ll once again alone,

Desolation marches towards me.

But even time can not fully demolish such happy memories

That is why, through thick and thin

My friends will be there for me when hell comes banging at my door.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem when I was in my freshman year of High School. Now looking back on this peace in particular now in my junior year I see that my idea on friendship has not been swayed. My question to my audience is what I describe true about friendship true? Please leave your responses on the question and any other comments. Enjoy! 

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