Life Worthy of Living | Teen Ink

Life Worthy of Living

November 15, 2018
By RoseV00 SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
RoseV00 SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Life is not useless.

It has meaning. It gives you the opportunity to experience new things in life,

And the opportunity to find love.

Life is given.

Something your parents gave to you,

Like a gift under the evergreen decorated pine tree on christmas night,

As you anxiously wait for your turn.

Hoping that it would be something you wanted most.

Life is something you didn’t choose.

Like how you didn’t pick how your eyes or your nose would look.

Life shouldn’t be wasted.

It isn’t trash that could be easily thrown into a garbage can.

There are those who fight for the right to live.

Many people are fighting and dying for your freedom.

Many people who fight hard against cancer, die trying.

There are those who don’t have a chance to live.

Many babies died due to miscarriage.

There are those who died innocent,

And there are those who die without a reason.

Many people are killed around the world every minute either by natural causes or by accident.

Life is a treasure.

The most precious thing in the whole world. It’s something irreplaceable.

Like your parents. There is no amount of money that is enough to buy your birth parents.

Life isn’t something to use terribly.

You have time to live. To travel the world. To find a better career.

No one knows when they are going to die. That is why they should live life to the fullest.

If you hate your life, change it.

The author's comments:

This poem talks about life and how life shouldn't be wasted because life has a true meaning. 

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