Want Us | Teen Ink

Want Us

December 2, 2018
By yfeleke BRONZE, Moreno Valley, California
yfeleke BRONZE, Moreno Valley, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

So, what will it take?

What will it take,

for you to speak?


Why is it so hard, 

for you to find it in yourself,

to even find a way to

communicate with me?

I wonder?

What we have?

Could it be,

could it be


It's definetley not like,

of course.

Its more, so much more,

but you already know that,

don't you?

What would you call it?

So many questions, 

so many questions.

How could they be answered?

You don't say a thing.

But if I could talk,

you know what I would say?

I want you,

I want to know you.

All your depths and layers,

all your smiles and sorrows.

I want you,

I want to be your witness.

To understand you.

I want you to know

what I'm saying. 

And I know one thing for sure,

it's that you want me.

And one thing we both know?

We want us.

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