I Don't Deserve You | Teen Ink

I Don't Deserve You

January 15, 2019
By Real_Unity PLATINUM, Raleigh, North Carolina
Real_Unity PLATINUM, Raleigh, North Carolina
32 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Life is like a written story, it does not last forever, but it can be told over and over again.

It's about time that I've told you.
I'm not the person you are looking for.
My mind and my heart are too brittle
to handle the love that you are trying to give.
I'm not saying that you are not important, but 
I can not be the person you want me to be.
I am who I am, and you are who you are.
We are equally independent.
Your support will out-weigh my support and
I can't risk suffering anymore.
Our feelings are unpredictable
and I can't manage my emotions because 
they always seem to change.
I'm in control and at the same time
I am not.
You don't need me, you need my presence 
and that's hard for me to withstand.
I know that I will break under pressure, 
I know that I will fall under resistance, but why would I ever want to put myself into that type of situation? 
I know my boundaries, I know my place. 
And being with you, I know what's to be expected.
I don't deserve your love, your desire, your sympathy
but if you are willing to give everything up for me, 
then well I guess
You're the one. 

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