Who Do You See | Teen Ink

Who Do You See

February 27, 2019
By jtenbrink BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
jtenbrink BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People see me as this, but this has

not always been who I am.           

I changed in secret.

          I always followed the alpha wolves

until the alpha wolves split into a pack,

           and the pack listened to the howl around

leaving one as a stray.

           I have this secret, buried above

work boots, overall’s, hard hats and regret.

           This isn’t a regret full of sadness but fear.

Not a fear of others but for others

      as colorful as their neighbors, pale, gone with the wind.

This is little more than a way of life,

         digging in the dirt, away from the surface

so that above there is a place for light where darkness rules.

           Something to stand upon, rather,

something to succeed upon. I strive to build this structure.

           After all it is those who laid

the brinks of the yellow brick road

           who saw emerald green from the end of the dock.

The author's comments:

This piece was a writing assignment for my literature class. I feel it shows my true personality of wanting to put others before myself even through adversity. 

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