No Means No | Teen Ink

No Means No

February 28, 2019
By sword1104 BRONZE, Elizabethtown, Kentucky
sword1104 BRONZE, Elizabethtown, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Not to be defined by an outfit, woman walk strong

On heels, sneaker, or sandals cause what we look like does not define our power

Misogyny on a daily basis, yet never giving up

Even with horrendous acts such as rape and sexual assault

All because of how short a skirt was, or how revealing the shirt is

Never will it be ok, but it will never stop unless something is done

Standing together to make a difference

Not giving up because no matter what people say

On no occasion, does no, mean yes ( read the first letter of every sentence)

The author's comments:

This piecec was an assignment to wite a poem about something we were passionate about. Therefore leading me to choose feminism.

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on Mar. 14 2019 at 5:30 pm
glowinthedark SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Because a person's a person no matter how small. -Dr Suess

you are a voice of common sense