A Love Story: Out of Order | Teen Ink

A Love Story: Out of Order

April 23, 2019
By sdron BRONZE, Prospect, Kentucky
sdron BRONZE, Prospect, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


there is

No greater loss than a heart that’s been

No greater wound than a bond that’s been torn

No greater sorrow than a love that’s been


and I still look back on that day when my love was torn from me

Snatched from my arms as she was destined to be

Alone I was with my sorrow and pleas

No one could see me happy, this I believe


before the storm, we were lovers upon an island

In blissful ignorance, we existed

Unaware of the fires that surrounded us

We loved in a straw cottage

It burned with us


remember the winds she said

From the north the ice

From the south the fire

Call upon them when you miss me

They will soothe your sorrows

Remember I am with you when the wind blows upon you


Love was a mistake

This we all knew

However, it didn’t stop us

We hung ourselves with a noose of passion

Overdosed on adoration

Slit our wrists with the sharp blade of love

As we lay dying

Our hands intertwined

We asked ourselves

In the end

Was it worth it


would you believe me if I told you

You loved me in another life

And I you

Fields of lavender bloomed around us

You would pluck daisies from the earth

To adorn my windswept hair

The air was perfumed with harmony and love

We would play between the sweet sunshine and hollow dirt for hours

Wrapped in each other’s embrace

Would you believe me if I told you

We thought it would last forever


Death brought me back to you

I lay alone on white cotton linens

Breathing in my last breaths with great difficulty

I thought of you

And you appeared

By my side

Once again


the storm left us broken


We had nothing but each other

We had even lost faith in whether that was enough

It wasn’t

The saddest part is

What could have been

If the storm hadn’t come


as the leaves fell

So did we

New romantics broke out

I give my heart to you

As the ground froze

So did we

Conversation ceased

Fights began

As the year ended

So did we

I said my goodbyes

And looked to the future


there is a possibility

Loneliness would have been good to me

But I have never been one for the smoothest path

The more pain I endure

The more I become myself

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