i-nfatuation | Teen Ink


May 9, 2019
myusernameisreallylongbutidontcarelol BRONZE, Beavercreek, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you fall in love with two people, pick the second one, because if you truly loved the first person, you wouldn't have fallen in love with the second person."


lily is typing…

hey, you up?

lily is typing…

how does it feel to know you’re a secret?

or how does it feel to find out?

you’re an incognito tab on the desktop of my mind

i bet you feel a chill every time i think of you,

like someone typing on the keys

of your spinal cord.

you probably wonder what that is

then go on with your day.

click away.

many people have asked about me

with little pesky dm messages:

who causes

that rose tint in your cheeks?

they don’t know you…  

i’m afraid to tell anyone,

she might know,

ya know?

the girl.

you ctrl+alt+deleted her

but she’s still there,

like a stubborn, non-responsive tab

do you want me to bring up task manager for you?

i have nothing against her,

but i don’t like the thought

of knowing i might not be your best friend

in snapchat or real life--

doesn’t matter.

sometimes i think i’m the pesky tab,

but how come you’re still typing?

i can see your typing bubble,

and my heart leaps!

which sticker accurately describes how i feel ?

cause even i don’t know that.

maybe i gotta clear my cache,

but i get a pop-up every time you pop up.

i wanna double tap your face,

leave a red heart instead of a kiss mark.

everything i say, i check anon,

go check,

left another love note in your inbox.

i’m so scared to even look you in the eye,

but from what i’ve seen,

i know you don’t use filters.

beauty like that isn’t borne of clarendon or gingham.


my phone is overheating.


you can no longer send messages to this person.

The author's comments:

This piece is very technology based. I wanted to create a piece more revolved around having an internet crush and becoming easily obsessive over them. It's easier nowadays to fall in love with a personality we see online. 

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