Imprisoned | Teen Ink


May 11, 2019
By AdamsApple BRONZE, Béziers, Other
AdamsApple BRONZE, Béziers, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since my early youth,

I’ve always tried to force my smile.

Even if it hid my truth,

I kept on laughing all the while.

I find myself looking back

On how easy life used to be.

But the thing I really lack,

Is a plucky prince to set me free.


I remember, clear as day,

The bedroom in which I would play,

To pass the time,

And pay no mind,

To what the others had to say.


No matter how hard I try,

I whimpered, I screamed and I’d cry:

“Absolve me of my crime,

I bear no axe to grind,

Just please make the pain go away!”


I hear my mother calling,

I stop my eyes from bawling.

No gunpowder, treason or plot,

Feasting on my dish while it’s hot,

Curry, couscous or even cod.

Though do not be mistaken,

My spirit stands forsaken,

Asylum? Sanctum? It is not.

For my soul is destined to rot,

Condemned by my very own god.


So forgive me if nowadays,

I come across as lost.

My shackles have only rusted,

My kin have yet to be trusted

With the truth, I’ve tried to haze;

My heart is coated with frost.

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