CTRL | Teen Ink


May 15, 2019
By dashahn23 BRONZE, Camden, New Jersey
dashahn23 BRONZE, Camden, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Happiness and control go hand and hand

To be happy you have to have control

And having control lets you be happy

But, if you don’t have control, then are you unhappy

We all want control

But the the truth is

We can’t control everything

And as hard as it is for us to accept it

We try and fight it everyday

Which has us in our deepest fight yet

Fighting to be happy

People want to be able to smile without lying

Or to know that people are  there for them

At times they need them most

But, these things result in things we can’t control

We can’t control what happens in life

If we are dealt a bad hand

We can’t change the cards we have

We can only shuffle them

We can’t control people changing on us

Telling our secrets

Falling out of love

All we can do is wish for the best

The teenage years are when we yearn for control

Because when things in our life start to spiral

There's not much we can do except be a bystander to our own lives

Not having control is everyone's biggest fear

Not being happy is everyone's biggest fight

Total control our biggest fantasy

It's our biggest dream that will never come true

There is no way we can have complete control

Which leads us to a long fight which we can’t win

My main question in life is

If you can’t have control

How can you be happy?

I’ve tried to be happy in friendships



And nothing seems to work

Then I realized my main sadness was with problems I couldn't control

So for you to be happy

You need to accept the things you can’t control

Control the things you can

The author's comments:

I am just a regular kid trying to make it big in Camden. I wrote this poem to show the emotions we all feel as we grow and try to take control of our lives.

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