Why? | Teen Ink


May 17, 2019
By Arpanpa18 BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
Arpanpa18 BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Is there a reason for why I’m always left out?

Why him? Why She?

Why her? Why he?

But I wonder why not me?

But now I don’t care

Scared to be alone, no more

Why should I care

But still I wonder why not me?

I’d love to be invited

Just please let me come

Staying alone I hate it

But I ask you why not me?

I’ve made mind I don’t need anyone else.

I’m not alone for I have me and that’s all I need.

Why should anyone care if I’m really lonely?

But deep inside I still wonder why not me?

I don’t need any friends for all I want is me.

Why should anyone care about my feelings?

But all I ask for is a shoulder to lend

Thank you for being there my one and only friend.

The author's comments:

This isn't a personal story, but I feel like from the description from other people, this is what it feels like. Having a person there is very important for many people to maintain their self-esteem, and I feel like this captures it. 

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