The Music They Made | Teen Ink

The Music They Made

June 8, 2019
By define.0_o.crazy SILVER, Yukon, Oklahoma
define.0_o.crazy SILVER, Yukon, Oklahoma
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move..." -Robert Louis Stevenson

I found peace in the violence that rang throughout the house. The screaming, the cursing, the punches. I found peace in the simple harmony that played every night. Every now and then there’d be a new key being played but eventually, nothing surprised me.

His slurs, her anger, his punches, her cries. It was a dangerous duet played in the little echoing apartment. Two people not meant to partner, push each other to make it work.

In some ways, the music they made was something special. 

Eventually, she gave up. She couldn’t take the beats this song brought. Instead, she ended the duet and he’s now left with a solo that doesn’t sound right.

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