Twenty-Seven Feet Deep | Teen Ink

Twenty-Seven Feet Deep

July 8, 2019
By LunarMoon SILVER, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
LunarMoon SILVER, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Drowning in a sea of self-doubt. A pool of my own imperfections and self-consciousness.

Barely alive. The cold water almost freezing me,

All I can hear is the sound of my heart crying out,

Until it merely faded to a whimper.

Twenty-seven feet deep, and slowly sinking further down,

Down to the great unknown abyss under me,

Slowly drifting lower and lower,

Further and further from the sunlight.

Lost in a maze of reality.

An impossible maze with no end and no beginning.

A game where deceit is my only friend,

and happiness is forever out of my grasp.

Air bubbles remind me of what once was,

They taunt me in my dreams,

Which is the reason why I cannot seem to stop smiling,

When they burst.

Out in the middle of nowhere,

Twenty-seven feet deep,

Slowly-slowly sinking,

Away from the world.

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