Seasons | Teen Ink


October 10, 2019
By w-cushing BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
w-cushing BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the flakes fall I see the brightness of the morning,

Opening the curtains to a wonderland of white.

From frosted noses to warmth I sit by the fire.

The night before we wake up with the hope and wonder for no school.


I open the door to step outside.

The cold air hits my face as snowflakes are glistening . 

The lake shimmers, frozen over and perfect for a skate.

Christmas is near, I cannot wait


My heads bead with water I walk,

hot and humid I relax in cool nights.

Creating memories for years to come, spending nights with friends.

I wake up to the noise of birds bringing beauty to my morning.


The snow has melted and summer is finally here.

Warm weather means being out on the lake. 

Tubing, knee boarding, and hanging out with friends is the best part of summer. 

Fishing, boating, and having fun, but all good things have to come to an end.


As I drive the trees change in the blink of my eye,

watching as the leaves flutter to the ground.

I walk out to the coolness of the day waiting for them to finish falling.

Taking in the scenery, I stop at school,

the beauty waiting for me after I’m done. 


Fall is here and it is the start of school. 

Football, hockey, homecoming, and Hawk Fest are already here. 

Bonfires and colorful leaves means Thanksgiving is near.

Finish the turkey and pumpkin pie because the seasons will start all over again for the year. 

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