My Savior | Teen Ink

My Savior

November 1, 2019
By teszimm BRONZE, Madelia, Minnesota
teszimm BRONZE, Madelia, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Music is my life and savior

It is the only thing that has always been with me

Through my high, happy moments

And my low, melancholy moments

The sweet melodies, the loud drums,

Are enough to distract me from life

The satisfaction of learning a new song

A new instrument, a new set of chords

The satisfaction and inner victory

It feels as if I conquered the world

Through all those hours of practice and sore fingers

And tired jaws and heavy eyes

And overused vocal chords

The outcome is the reward

Music has been apart of my life

From listening to the radio as a kid

To joining bands outside of school

I would be no body without my music

And it is the one thing no one can take away from me

The author's comments:

I've been in band since I was 11 years old. I play oboe, bassoon, bass guitar, bari and tenor saxiphone, ukulele, and some piano. I've been in choir for 3 years.

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