Jesus is Born | Teen Ink

Jesus is Born

December 2, 2020
By Anonymous

Sitting here waiting for our Savior to be born

Praying He comes with an abundance of joy

We can’t wait to see what he can do

The Lord sends us his son 

For us to carry

We know he is special 

Everyone will too

Tears of happiness roll down our face

 As Jesus is born 

Full of grace

Celebrate his birthday for years to come

He is the Lord’s 

Only-begotten son

He sleeps in a manger all bundled up

As we wait to tell everyone 

He has come

We all smile as He closes his eyes

And sleeps for a while

This tiny baby boy will grow up so fast

And he will save us at last

The author's comments:

This poem is about the wait for the birth of Jesus.

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