The Tornado | Teen Ink

The Tornado

January 21, 2021
By mmorse GOLD, Lousiville, Kentucky
mmorse GOLD, Lousiville, Kentucky
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm a piece of paper. Everyone uses me, tears me apart, and I get thrown in the trash. A simple life.

The tornado came back. It’s here every day of every week. It destroyed everything I owned and still comes back for more. I’ve given it everything. I’m giving up. The storm never stops, I can’t keep trying to give myself hope when I know it’ll be taken away. The tornado knows my weaknesses, it’s like it knows me. It knows who I am. I here my name throughout the screaming winds. “Maggie. I’m here. Give it to me.” I don’t know what he wants. There’s one thing that I haven’t given it and it’s the only thing he won’t get. Me. He won’t get me. He’s taken my home, my friends and family, everything and person who’s apart of my life is gone. Gone with the screaming winds and evil laughs. I hide in places where I think he won’t find me, but he always does. He always knows where I am, every second of the day. The winds haunt my soul, for ever and ever. The high pitch of the sirens still haunt me to this day. Finally, I lose hope and give up. I can’t keep going through this. It’s an everyday thing. I give myself to the tornado. I’m sucked inside and that’s where I wake up.

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