Hoping to Fill the Void | Teen Ink

Hoping to Fill the Void

January 24, 2021
By SamiW BRONZE, Buffalo, New York
SamiW BRONZE, Buffalo, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Where are you;

I have been hoping, searching, wondering

Where have you been and what do you do?

How can I find you

Are you as good as I imagine you to be?


I hope you do not mind, but sometimes I wonder if you are there;

I have been hoping, searching, wondering

Do you exist at all?

I want you to be true and real

Are you just my imagination?


I honestly think you do not even care for me, why would you

If you are the great person I want, you do not care

But don't you

You would see me and run, I know it

I still want you.


The real problem is that you don't exist and I know it

It comes one way or the other, but you won't.

The author's comments:

It is the wishing for someone to be there, but they will never be. The thing that is there is me wish for someone to be there, still hoping.

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