Rapunzel Reimagined | Teen Ink

Rapunzel Reimagined

April 7, 2021
By msames BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
msames BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I run through the woods with my long golden hair braided behind me

I wonder when my life truly began

Wearing my signature purple dress with my frying pan in hand

I run to the place where it all started

The tower

I climb up and wonder what it would be like if I was still trapped

With nothing to do 

With no one to hang out with

Not being able to leave because mother knows what's best

Painting mural after mural

Sewing dresses for myself and my chameleon

Seeing the light from the lanterns each year on my birthday

Wondering when I would finally break free

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