Not perfect | Teen Ink

Not perfect

May 21, 2021
By Anonymous

I don’t live up to my parents standards

Being the perfect daughter with the perfect grades

Thinking that I’m ok

They don’t even know me

They don’t even know when I wanted to end it

They don’t even know why I never stay out late

I’m insecure 

About everything 

My body


My parents features

Yet they know they made a beauty

I love love 

but I’m a crybaby 

I cry when I get heartbroken 

                            Left alone


So I tend to leave people alone when I get too close 

Probably why I don’t have anyone to share that love anymore 

I used to think I need a boy to love me

But a man needs me to be me

I need myself to be who I really am

But I’m scared 

My anxieties makes me worry about everything around me

did he look at me?

she thinks I’m disgusting I need to run now 

why is she looking ? She’s too pretty to be seen with me maybe she’s hating on me?

I worry so much yet I’m only 16

every time my heart starts to beat 

I lose my mind as I start to breathe 









I’ve only started giving love 

As I saw people walk away with my love 

Not getting any in return

With realization 

I never need anyone

I came out the whom alone 

I’ll die alone 

Not with my money


                      materialistic things 

I’m ok with that

I’m ok with loving what I got

I’m in love with my future

The author's comments:


My name is Michekalie. I'm 17 years old and a junior in High School.

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