On the stage | Teen Ink

On the stage

December 3, 2021
By Annakozel BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Annakozel BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Massive ocean of anxiety.

You are standing

in the middle of the storm,

The shranks thirst for your cold sweat,

The waves put pressure on you.

You should be stronger!

Not like those fragile, pale corals,

Which crumble into pieces,

Turned into white sand.

Not like that a lonely ship

Losing  its course and  now 

The waves take control over it,

Throwing in different directions. 

Not like that little fish, 

Which disappeared

in the mouth of the shark. 

But you are




Your mouth is filled with bitterness, 

Ringing in the ears prevents thinking, 

Your palms are sweaty,

The daily, sunlight seems so bright 

To you. 

But look around, open your strongly closed eyes.



You should be like the seashells,

Which are so hard to break up. 

Your beauty hides inside like 

Softly white pearls. 

Your courage blooms with your 

Every breath you take 

Like the sharp aroma 

Of lilies of the valley.

Your confidence shines the brightest 

Star in the sky. 

Your fear sinks to the deepest depths 

Of the saltiest sea. 

Now, they hear you. 

They listen to you. 

So, sing as loud as you can,

Your melody drowns as many pictures

In their head as  possible,

Your song makes them feel,

Your voice takes them far

Into their fantasy world. 

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