Dreams of Unity | Teen Ink

Dreams of Unity

December 9, 2021
By HernandezS BRONZE, Medford, Massachusetts
HernandezS BRONZE, Medford, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All I dream to hear in the United States of America

Is United. 

United from birth,

United until death,

United in war,

United to see 

Our very last breath. 

But this unity I dream of 

Is still a dream

For this country I was born in 

Was never built 

For me.

This unity is a privilege,

For the white and wealthy man

And as I am none

Of those things,

This unity I dream of

Has been disbanded. 

United never meant

United with all,

United meant 

United with those who

Still love the America

They fostered all those

Years ago.

An America with:




Because they thought

That was great.

That is not my America. 

My America is 

An America with:




I am coming to learn 

that America never existed. 

Because until we are truly United

And stand tall,

The rest of our country 

Remains to fall.

The author's comments:

A social commentary on the long history of American bias. 

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