The Flip of the Heart | Teen Ink

The Flip of the Heart

December 15, 2021
By TheRareBreed PLATINUM, Lambertville, Michigan
TheRareBreed PLATINUM, Lambertville, Michigan
43 articles 0 photos 60 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." I guess that means we're just products of whoever made us and we don't have much control. The thing is, when people use that phrase, they ignore the most critical part: the falling. Within the logic of that saying, the apple falls every single time. Not falling isn't an option. So, if the apple has to fall, the most important question in my mind is what happens to it upon hitting the ground? Does it touch down with barely a scratch? Or does it smash on impact? Two vastly different fates. When you think about it, who cares about its proximity to the tree or what type of tree spawned it? What really makes all the difference, then, is how we land.”
― Val Emmich, Dear Evan Hansen

Mirror, my mirror, you stole my heart and eyes

You do have my all, except for my voice

You make my heart throb millions in size 


Our love is a story; Your image is my glory

You make me feel as cherubic as a cory

Tell me how I look tonight, as fair as ivory?


You and me, in an arcane orchard, by the coast,

where our souls are unwoven, we shall raise a toast

I shall eternally dote on you the most


You are my snow on a summer day like a dove

Your panache bought me boutonnières from above

You're me, I'm you, darling, whom I shall only love 

At last, they see the flip of a coin, one side whole, the other destroyed

The mirror I loved is cracked and shattered

my mind is corrupt and hope is gone

I flip and flip yet only get burned

Is that what we amount to?

the chance we fall,

live with love no more,

Blacker than the darkest sea,

nights so bleak 

my heart feels weak

and so I turn to walk alone

flip my coin with an anger-filled tone

as the doves have died 

and I died with them

No matter the day I live with my hate, I blame you, I blame you

I blame you for breaking my light and leaving me in the snowless night

The author's comments:

This piece is by me (TheRareBreed) and one of the fellow authors on this site, Afra. Please give her many thanks, and I hope to write with you again soon.


ps. check out Afra here-

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This article has 4 comments.

on Sep. 23 2022 at 8:25 am
AtlasK PLATINUM, Tirana, Other
31 articles 1 photo 9 comments
This is beautiful. You both did a great job. You imagery is amazing, I love it.

on Jan. 16 2022 at 12:01 pm
CaliFranceGurl648 GOLD, San Diego, California
11 articles 1 photo 125 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I am a California girl, born and raised, so flip-flops and cutoff shorts are my go-to look."

– Meghan Markle

@TheRareBreed, your collaboration is amazing and it really deserves a standing ovation. I admire you guys so much.👏🏻 Write more and inspire others.

on Dec. 19 2021 at 9:43 pm
TheRareBreed PLATINUM, Lambertville, Michigan
43 articles 0 photos 60 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." I guess that means we're just products of whoever made us and we don't have much control. The thing is, when people use that phrase, they ignore the most critical part: the falling. Within the logic of that saying, the apple falls every single time. Not falling isn't an option. So, if the apple has to fall, the most important question in my mind is what happens to it upon hitting the ground? Does it touch down with barely a scratch? Or does it smash on impact? Two vastly different fates. When you think about it, who cares about its proximity to the tree or what type of tree spawned it? What really makes all the difference, then, is how we land.”
― Val Emmich, Dear Evan Hansen

Please, the thanks is all mine Afra. as always I'm here and happy to enjoy some time with you. "Im in the pink" such a unique and cute phrase. it embodies you and how id feel if I met you. Stay true, and while I cannot currently give you my love, I give you my best wishes

Afra ELITE said...
on Dec. 18 2021 at 1:22 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

Wow!!! I'm more than elated to see this published through your account too...I'm in the pink...It was so fun to work with you and I learnt a lot from you too...And I owe you a big THANK YOU...☆☆☆